DIRECT-HIRE SOLUTION (We are not a Temporary Staffing Agency)
We provide Maintenance Mechanics, Maintenance Technicians, and Maintenance Managers to Food Production, Industrial Bakeries, and Manufacturing companies in the lower-48 states.
Our People Keep Production Running.
When a production line is down, companies lose money.
Our Maintenance Technicians perform Preventative Maintenance to keep equipment operating properly and safely - extending the life of the equipment.
Our Maintenance Mechanics excel at Troubleshoot & Repair and can get your equipment back online - fast.
It all starts by creating your Remarkable Talent profile. This identifies the type of person you are looking for. What are their Skills and Experience? What is their Educational background? Do they need to speak more than one language? Where have they worked previously? Do they have a stable Work History? What is their Motivation to work for you? How much do they need to make? Should they come from one of your competitors? Do they have experience with specific equipment? Will they relocate? Do they supervise or manage people? How soon can they start?
After we create your Remarkable Talent profile - the search can begin.
Based on your Remarkable Talent profile, we will source and recruit individuals who match the education, skills, experience, and background you desire. This is the time-consuming part of the process. Our researchers will identify passive candidates from company websites, trade show attendee list, paid databases, and social media sites. We will identify active candidates in our applicant tracking system, paid job boards, the internet, job postings, and our proprietary database. We will gather phone numbers for work, home, and cellular. We will obtain work and personal email addresses and social media profiles. Then the phone call campaign begins.
Our recruiters will contact each candidate to see if they are interested, qualified, motivated, and available to interview for your position. If they are not interested, we will ask who they know that may be interested. We ask a series of detailed questions specifically designed to better understand if the candidate is qualified and a good skill-set (and culture match) for your position and company. We want to understand their motivation. Why are they interested in a new position? Are they unhappy? Were they passed over for a promotion? Are they looking for a shorter commute? Are they looking for better benefits? Are they looking for more money? Do they want more challenge?
At this stage of the process - people are eliminated from the process because they may not be the best fit for you.
Candidates who pass the screening and qualifying process, and who are motivated and interested in the opportunity - will make it to the presentation stage. A written summary comparing the candidate's education, background and experience to your Remarkable Talent profile will be sent to you along with the resume provided by the candidate. At the time of the presentation, we will also provide dates and times the candidate is available to interview. After the client reviews, we will schedule interviews and confirm with a Calendar invite to reserve the time.
Successfully interviewed candidates who match the company requirements and culture fit - will be offered the position. We coordinate and follow-up to ensure the desired candidates accept offers and provide a quick start date.
After the candidate accepts your employment offer and provides proper notice to their current employer, we stay in touch with the candidate, coordinate pre-employment screening, and make sure nothing changes. Your new hire remains excited about joining your team.
We check-in with the candidate on their first day, and over the next few months to make sure the transition was smooth.